Saturday, April 11, 2009

Christ Has Risen!

I love celebrating Easter! To think about all Jesus did on the cross for us, giving his life, so that we could have hope and freedom in him, is just amazing to me! His love for us just blows my mind! I was reading Isaiah 53 tonight, reflecting on what Jesus did for us through his suffering and death. Many of you are familiar with this portion of scripture and know it well. In verse 5 of Isaiah 53, it says: " But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed!" Amazing!

Our beautiful Jesus, we thank you today for your precious gift of love to us. You suffered and died so we could be set free! We remember you and your sacrifice of love and we thank you for your goodness and faithfulness to each of us. We thank you that not one of us is forgotten by you. Everyone of us is on the forefront of your mind, never abandoned, never alone. You're never to busy to pour out your love on us. I pray that we would be the same. Help us to love you the way you love us.... with full abandonment... with a heart of passion! Help us to hunger and thirst after righteousness, maintaining justice, doing what is right, for your salvation is close at hand, and your righteousness will soon be revealed (Isaiah 56:1) Thank you for your promises and thank you Jesus that you mercies are new every morning!

There is none like you oh Lord, none in the heavens and none on the earth! We love you and thank you today for the cross, and for the empty tomb!


  1. He is risen, indeed! It really does blow this girl's mind that while I was yet a sinner, not even walking with Him, rebelling against His perfect will for my life, doing my own thing, living a selfish, sin-filled worldly life - He knew me. He loved me. He DIED for me. It's an amazing sacrifice for us, who deserved nothing more than death and suffering and eternal separation from Him. What a Redeemer! How I pray to live my life as a sacrifice to Him, bringing Him glory in all that I do and say and think.

    Happy Easter to you all - May God continue to bless and keep your precious, precious family.

    He is an amazing God!

  2. Amen, it is so hard to take it in it is so overwhelming. Blessing to you & your dear family!

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