Monday, October 20, 2008

New Pictures Of Misha And Mikey

Here are some new pictures of Sasha and Mikey! They are such little beauties! We can't wait to hold them in our arms and bring them home! These little guys are priceless!

This is a picture of Misha and Meredith. Meredith and her husband went to Ukraine and adopted their precious little Emma there. They met Misha while at the orphanage and took the pictures of him that are on this post. Thanks Meredith! What a blessing it is to have these pictures!

Little Mikey

You are on God's heart everyday and His plans for you are awesome little love ((Jeremiah 29:11)!

Nothing can ever separate you from the love of God little one (Romans 8:38).

Your smile melts my heart!


  1. Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!! Praying ferverently! XO in Christ thorough whom all things are possible!!

  2. Thanks so much Sarah!

    Hugs and love in Jesus right back to you!

  3. So precious! I bet you can't wait to get your hands on them! I will be watching and praying for a safe trip "home" as soon as possible. What a wonderful way to Celebrate the birth of Christ with children!

  4. Thanks so much Jeanette! I'm praying hard that we will be celebrating Christmas with our angels! This would be a perfect way to celebrate the birth of Jesus! Wow!

  5. Hey, Loux fam! I lost your email address & I need to ask you guys some questions. Luke & I are looking at adopting 2 kids from China... both with SB, both parapalegics. I have about ten thousand quesions! My email is: Could you please email me, so I can pick your brain? Also, did I give you our house site? If not, it's We've been following your journey & praying for your little guys to come home SOON! God is bigger than paperwork, eh? ;-) love, Roben Harris

  6. Hi Roben, Luke and crew :),

    Great to hear from you! Hope you all are doing well.
    How exciting that you are wanting to adopt special needs kiddos! I love that! I'll email you tonight or tomorrow and we'll start talkin!

    Love and smoohces to you all!

  7. Awesome! Crissy and I will be praying. Say hello to the rest of the crew.

  8. Hi Adam and Crissy,
    Derek said to be sure to say hi to you! We need your new address.
    Thanks for praying!
    Hugs from all of us :)
